+51 965 440 899 info@andeanrajuexpeditions.com


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Andean Raju Expeditions: Legally authorized Tour Operator in Peru, with company name: ANDEAN RAJU TRAVEL AND ADVENTUR E AGENC Y EIRL

Program: Any excursion, tour, tourist circuit or expedition offered by Andean Raju Expeditions.

Client: Any person who books and/or contracts the Andean Raju Expeditions programs.

Participant: Any Andean Raju client who contracts an Andean Raju Expeditions program that is scheduled for group outings.

NO SHOW: A NO SHOW is considered when clients do not show up on the agreed day, arrive very late to the program or wish to cancel the reserved or contracted services after the minimum cancellation date.

Group departures: These are the programs previously scheduled by Andean Raju Expeditions in group rates in which different clients are listed who believe the date registered by the tour operator is convenient.

Private departures: These are programs that open on any date, with private and exclusive services, tailored to what clients require.

Partners: These are companies related to Andean Raju Expeditions to complement or add tourist services.

By contracting a program with Andean Raju Expeditions, clients accept in a mandatory and binding manner the ANDEAN RAJU EXPEDITIONS RESERVATIONS, CHANGES AND CANCELLATIONS POLICY, and other Conditions for all events described in this document. Additionally, clients agree to sign the Affidavit of ACCEPTANCE OF RISK – DISCLAIMER OF RESPONSIBILITIES found as an annex attached to this document. Reservations and activities contracted through any of our channels: website, tourism platforms, via email or in person imply knowledge and acceptance of the terms of this document and its annex.


  • For the confirmation that enables the reservation of a program, the client must make a payment of 25% of the total amount of the program to be contracted, using any of the payment methods authorized by Andean Raju Expeditions. And, up to fifteen days before the start date of the program, the client must pay the remaining 75%. Andean Raju Expeditions offers various payment alternatives, and by different means, information that any client can request after paying the reservation value.
  • The client will provide their data to register the reservation, which are: Full Name, Passport Number, Nationality, Age, Sex. In addition, information on allergies, illnesses, passenger conditions, characteristics of each passenger, food preferences and restrictions, among others.
  • The contracted programs do not include travel insurance, medical insurance, or rescue and accident insurance.
  • The contracted programs do not include IGV (General Sales Tax).
  • The prices of the different programs may vary during festive dates: Easter, Christmas, New Year, Andean summer high season (this variation will be informed by Andean Raju Expeditions at the time of requesting a quote from the client).
  • In the case of scheduled group programs, it should be indicated that the total amount of a program depends directly on the number of participants who have registered on a certain date. (This variation will be informed by Andean Raju Expeditions at the time of requesting a quote from the client). In the case of private programs, there is no price variation related to the number of participants.
  • Andean Raju Expeditions reserves the right to cancel or change the date of any itinerary due to bad weather conditions, road closures, or situations of restrictions due to the political or health environment at the national level of Peru, as well as due to catastrophes within the country. Likewise, we reserve the right to cancel any program for a client in a state of unsuitability, whether due to poor health, lack of exercise, intoxication, among other aspects that may endanger their life, without this cancellation representing an obligation. refund from Andean Raju Expeditions.
  • Andean Raju Expeditions is not responsible for physical injuries to clients, nor for damage to their belongings, nor for equipment lost or damaged during the client’s adventure activity, so the client must provide for the necessary contingent actions such as contracting insurance. medical and travel/accident/rescue if you deem it appropriate.
  • Andean Raju Expeditions reserves the right to cancel the client’s reservation without the right to refund said reservation, if the client has not paid the total amount of the reservation up to 14 days before departure, except for previous alternative agreements that the client has made with the staff of Andean Raju Expeditions.
  • Andean Raju Expeditions reserves the right to work with other partners such as associated travel agencies or suppliers, if the minimum number of clients for a given program is not covered.
  • If your reservation includes nights of accommodation, confirmation of the hotels will be subject to availability. If there is no space in the hotel offered in the initial proposal of Andean Raju Expeditions, the client will be given another one of similar category and price.
  • The company reserves the right to accept last-minute reservations (24 hours before the client’s arrival at the destination), in this case the company will expressly indicate the special conditions of said reservation, which will include, if applicable, special schedules, These conditions must be mutually agreed with the client and will be evidenced by email.
  • In case of NO SHOW by the participant, there is no refund or rescheduling of the program date. In the unfortunate NO SHOW event, Andean Raju Expeditions may provide, if applicable, a certificate to the client to process with their insurance company.
  • Andean Raju Expeditions reserves the right to provide the service to people who are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or under medical treatment with nervous depressants, even if the client makes a payment for their program, without any obligation for reimbursement by the Operator. Tour. This is with the purpose of providing security to the affected person, the program participants and the guidance and logistics team of Andean Raju Expeditions.
  • Andean Raju Expeditions reserves the right to provide the service to people who are under medical treatment and who for some reason do not have with them the necessary medications to stabilize their health during the program, even if the participant has paid for their program, without any obligation to reimburse them. by the Tour Operator. This is with the purpose of safeguarding the health and life of the participant involved in this case.
  • Andean Raju Expeditions will request from the client, before the start of the contracted program, the document: Affidavit of ACCEPTANCE OF RISK – DISCLAIMER OF RESPONSIBILITIES , duly completed and signed by the participant. If this is the case, Andean Raju Expeditions reserves the right to provide the service to people who refuse to partially or totally fill out the aforementioned document, without any obligation to reimburse any part of the tour operator.


  • All services that are not explicitly contemplated in the program proposal/quote provided by Andean Raju Expeditions in written form have an extra cost or are under the responsibility of the participant.
  • The itineraries for each of the programs offered by Andean Raju Expeditions are planned with great detail and care, although, for special operational reasons, it may be necessary to change the order of activities, or the specified route, and although such cases may be occasional , the itinerary in general should only be assumed as a basic guide.
  • In the event that the client abandons the program for any reason, all extra expenses incurred, such as transportation for evacuation, will be the client’s responsibility and Andean Raju Expeditions will not generate any refund.
  • Each program will have its itinerary and behavioral guidelines that will be given by the leading guide of the Andean Raju Expeditions program before starting a program, which will have to be followed by the participants, in order to respect the experience of other people. and not unrelated to the expedition, to protect and maintain natural resources and maintain the safety and quality of experience of the other participants. In the event of not abiding by these guidelines and other guidelines issued by the control of the National Parks, Andean Raju Expeditions may make the decision to prevent this person from continuing within the program activity, without the company being obliged to reimburse any amount.



To make date and/or program changes to reservations made, there are two cases:

In the case of group departures: the client will have to request the change of date and/or program up to 30 days before the start date of the reserved program, this will be done by email to info@andeanrajuexpeditions.com , Andean Raju Expeditions will reserves the right to accept or not the change requested by the client, for this the tour operator will review the feasibility of rescheduling the date and/or program to place the client in a new group service according to the program scheduling published by Andean Raju Expeditions in its website, as well as the availability of places in said programs. If there is no availability to change the date/program according to the change proposal made by the client, alternatives of other dates and other programs will be offered so that the client can make the change. The client will have the possibility to accept the proposals of Andean Raju Expeditions regarding a change of date and/or program up to 11 months after submitting his change request. In the event that the change is not agreed upon, Andean Raju Expeditions will not have the obligation to refund any amount to the client.

In the case of private departures: the client may change the date and/or program up to 30 days before the start date of the reserved program without any inconvenience, to do so they will have to request said change by email to info@andeanrajuexpeditio ns .com . The client will have the possibility to postpone their new date and/or program up to 11 months after submitting their change request. In the event that the client wants the change after the aforementioned 11 months, Andean Raju Expeditions will not have the obligation to refund any amount to the client.


If the client has contracted a program that includes nights of accommodation in hotels or hostels, and decides to request a change of dates in the accommodation or a change of accommodation, they must do so until 30 days before the start of the program in the case of group departures and 30 days before the start of the program in the case of private departures, to do so you will have to request said change by email to info@andeanrajuexpeditions.com .

Andean Raju Expeditions will review the feasibility of rescheduling the date according to the availability of the hotel/hostel that was offered, in this case, if the accommodation  values are higher than the prices that were initially offered at Andean Raju Expeditions, then this excess value will be assumed by the client. In the event that there is no availability, Andean Raju Expeditions will offer alternative accommodation of the same category and price to make the change with the client.

In any case of change requested by the client, any additional costs generated will be the responsibility of the client.

In case of a change request outside the times specified in this Change Policy section , Andean Raju Expeditions reserves the right to accept or not the change, if the change is accepted, it will be subject to a penalty of 50 USD per client , and if the change is denied, Andean Raju Expeditions will not issue any refund.


To cancel an Andean Raju Expeditions program, the client must request said cancellation by email to info@andeanrajuexpeditions.com , according to the cases described below:

  • In case of serious illnesses and pregnancy:

The client must attach in his cancellation request the medical statement that corroborates the case, once the case has been evaluated and reviewed between the client and the Andean Raju Expeditions reservations area, a refund of up to 50% of the costs will be made. amounts paid by the client, depending on the severity of the case.

  • With the exception of serious illnesses and pregnancy, other cases will be considered as follows:
  • Cancellations received up to 30 days before the start of the program:

Andean Raju Expeditions will accept the cancellation and will issue the client a non-transferable discount ticket for the value of 50% of the contracted program reservation, to be used in any other service or program of the tour operator on another date during the 3 following months and subject to availability.

  • Cancellations received between 15 days and 29 days before the start of the program:

Andean Raju Expeditions will accept the cancellation and will issue the client a non-transferable discount ticket for the value of 40% of the total paid by the client for the contracted program, to be used in any other service or program of the tour operator in another date during the following 3 months and subject to availability.

  • Cancellations received between 7 days and 14 days before the start of the program:

Andean Raju Expeditions will accept the cancellation and will issue the client a non-transferable discount ticket for the value of 20% of the total paid by the client for the contracted program, to be used in any other service or program of the tour operator in another date during the following 3 months and subject to availability.

  • Cancellations received between 1 and 6 days before the start of the program:

Andean Raju Expeditions accepts cancellation without any refund.

Other cancellation policies:

  • Cancellations will only be accepted in writing to info@andeanrajuexpeditions.com .
  • In case of NO SHOW by the client, there is no refund option.
  • Hotel/lodging reservations are subject to the policies of each establishment
  • In the rare event that a customer decides to leave once they have started the program, no refund will be given. Additional payments incurred by their own decision, such as: food, accommodation and transportation outside the program, are the responsibility of the client.
  • In the event of a natural disaster or national catastrophe, which causes the change, interruption or cancellation of a program itinerary, there will be no refund.
  • Cancellations result in administrative penalties and fees charged by third parties (such as transportation companies, suppliers, Company personnel or associated agencies), reasons why Andean Raju Expeditions does not consider full refunds on payments made by clients.


  • All clients, when contracting the services of Andean Raju Expeditions, undertake to acquire on their own the current documents and permits necessary to develop the activities of the programs in accordance with the regulations of the country and protected areas immersed in the itineraries, in addition They must carry these documents and permits during the development of the programs.
  • All clients, when contracting the services of Andean Raju Expeditions, agree to deliver a copy of the personal documents (Passport, ID, ID, etc.) to the representative of the tour operator (Andean Raju Expeditions will keep this information confidential). and will use it only for accounting and administrative procedures).
  • According to current law in Peru, a tourist cannot stay more than 60 days in the country according to their TAM card.
  • We recommend all our clients travel insurance coverage that includes lost luggage, accidents, emergency air rescue and trip cancellation. Trip cancellation insurance should reimburse non-recoverable air or ground expenses if you cancel your trip due to personal or family illness, as well as cover medical evacuation expenses if the situation requires it.
  • In the event of client illness or injury on one of our programs, we are trained to provide emergency first aid and arrange transportation to an appropriate medical facility. However, we are not responsible for the cost of transportation or medical care services, which is why we suggest considering medical and rescue insurance that can cover expenses arising from unforeseen situations.
  • Prior to the start of the contracted adventure services, the client will have to deliver the following documents to Andean Raju Expeditions:
    • The Service Contract (original document signed with a fingerprint),
    • Release Sheet (original document signed with fingerprint),
    • Electronic Client information form (sent to info@acom ),
    • Travel and accident insurance (not mandatory but recommended).



  • All tour prices and rates are expressed in US dollars.
  • Program prices and rates are quoted per person, and do not include extra expenses such as: travel/medical or rescue insurance, tips, airport taxes, air tickets, excess baggage or any other service not explicitly specified in the program.
  • Our payment policy, in the case of individual passengers who book group departure programs, requires that our services be fully canceled 15 days before the start date of the contracted program. In the case of groups of more than 6 people or in the case of private groups, they can request from Andean Raju Expeditions different conditions and payment facilities to be agreed upon.
  • Any modification to the contracted services once the program has started will be paid directly in cash to the representative of Andean Raju Expeditions.
  • No passenger can begin their program with any value pending payment.
  • Any final payment pending from the client 24 hours before the program starts will have to be paid in cash in dollars.
  • Torn or damaged bills, no matter how small their denomination, will not be accepted.
  • PayPal payments will be accepted up to 15 days before the start of the program (only amounts less than or equal to $200 are accepted for this payment method and only for payments for the value of the reservation).
  • All banking fees will be covered by the client.


  • Ways to make payments for reservations and subscriptions for contracting programs and/or services of Andean Raju Expeditions:
    • Cash in US dollars.
    • All national and international credit cards, bank deposits and checks accepted through our payment gateway delivered to the customer as a WeTravel® payment link.
    • PayPal
    • Banking in Peru / International Bank Transfer (Banco Interbank )
    • Sending money by Western Union or Money Gram.


Andean Raju Expeditions Travel Agency offers discounts for members, as well as for groups and families traveling to Peru:

  1. Member Discounts:

Andean Raju Expeditions VIP: 10% discount on all our programs.
Frequent customers: 5 % discount on all our programs.

  1. Group Discounts:

Special group rates for Expeditions, Trekking and Mountains from 6 people. Special group rate for Mountaineering Clubs and Mountain Federations.

  1. Family Discounts:

We have special discounts for families traveling to Peru.
As well as special discounts for seniors.


  1. Preparation

The adequate physical condition of the participants is an essential requirement for their safety and the success of a program. Each participant must prepare for the contracted program through appropriate training and sports advice, if applicable. Physical preparation is the responsibility of the participants. Regarding high mountain programs: participants who do not meet the technical requirements related to mountaineering that involves a certain mountain and the physical capabilities that it demands, may be excluded during the development of the  program if the mountain guide determines that its preparation puts the safety of the participant or other participants involved in the program at risk, in this case mentioned, the participant will abandon the program without claim for reimbursement and will cover the additional logistical expense for their evacuation from the mountain. As Andean Raju Expeditions we offer you the required guidelines and guidelines regarding the preparation you will need for each program so that you can work on it in advance until the day the program starts.

  1. Equipment

Each participant is responsible for acquiring their personal equipment for each program (clothing and personal climbing material if applicable). Only the group equipment participating in the program will be provided by Andean Raju Expeditions as explicitly detailed in the quote and program proposal sent by the tour operator to the client. Each participant will receive a detailed list of the equipment they need to obtain on their own, as assistance from Andean Raju Expeditions.

  1. Group leadership

An itinerary, chosen and sent by Andean Raju Expeditions, accompanies each program. The indication of the itinerary in the program is only an informative and non-binding indication. Participants must comply with the decisions made by the leading tour guide of Andean Raju Expeditions in case of any changes for the safety of the group of participants. If a participant objects to complying with the itinerary indicated by the Andean Raju Expeditions tour leader, said participant must abandon the program without the option of refund. In the event of program withdrawal, as soon as circumstances permit, the participant must make arrangements for an early return at his or her own expense.

  1. Responsibilities of participants

Participants agree to behave in a way that leads to good group dynamics, mutual respect, tolerance and helpfulness. They agree to respect the itinerary, as well as the decisions of the Andean Raju Expeditions tour leader, other assistants and third parties involved. Participants agree to respect human rights and customs of the respective countries, as well as respect the environment. In the event of an accident, participants will have to maintain confidentiality regarding what happened until the competent authorities require their testimony and information, thus avoiding public or personal messages from other participants being published.

  1. Responsibility

It is the exclusive responsibility of the participants to accept the risk inherent in participating in a program. The tour operator’s liability is limited to a guideline based on risk management that warns the client about probabilities of risk and negligence.

  1. Medications

During the programs, the tour leader from Andean Raju Expeditions will carry a first aid kit, however, it is the sole responsibility of the client to carry the personal medication they consume and in sufficient quantities.

  1. Publication of images and film material

Andean Raju Expeditions reserves the right to use all images that are taken during the programs/services offered, unless the passenger makes explicit their disagreement, for which we request that they inform us at info@andeanrajuexpeditions.com prior to the start of the program.

During the programs offered by Andean Raju Expeditions, photographic and filmographic material of all participants and guides will be generated, in which people can be recognizable. The tour operator may use the images/videos taken by the guide, by Andean Raju Expeditions staff or those shared by other participants, for use in printed products, websites and social networks. The right to reject the publication of photographs that show the participants in a recognizable manner must be indicated by the client in accordance with what is mentioned in the previous paragraph.

  1. Data Privacy
  • Andean Raju Expeditions is committed to maintaining your trust and the absolute privacy of your personal information. Your personal data, including your email address, will never be given to a third party.
  • Clients provide their personal data voluntarily, informed and securely, therefore, the use of forms, virtual chat, sending email and online purchase of services implies acceptance of this Data Privacy policy, as well as the conditions included in these policies in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 29733 – Personal Data Protection Law in Peru.
  • The client must provide the information voluntarily, and with full consent.
  • The client’s personal data requested by Andean Raju Expeditions are strictly those necessary to be used confidentially for purposes specifically related to the contracted service.
  • Andean Raju Expeditions guarantees the security of the client’s personal data and will only be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose of the contract.
  1. More Information and/or Complaints

Any complaint related to the services offered by Andean Raju Expeditions will be received in writing to the agency’s email info@andeanrajuexpeditions.com within the stipulated period of up to 30 days after the start date of the contracted service.

  1. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

Any contract with Andean Raju Expeditions is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Huaraz and will be governed by Peruvian law.

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